
We welcome the following for our next edition

Good advice I’ve heard in life in 300 words or fewer.
Any aspect of Autumn in 50 words or fewer.
An Autumn verse of four lines or an Autumn rhyming couplet.
A ‘Happy Early Memory,’ ‘Noticing Nature’ or ‘Sights, Sounds and Scents’ recollection in 150 words or fewer.
Any seasonal piece of up to 150 words.
A drawing, painting or photo about any aspect of Autumn.
A seasonal recipe in 150 words or fewer.
A Rose Cottage Story or a Children’s Story in 900 words or fewer.
A good idea for Little Gems Magazine which we are free to use.
Preference will be given to upbeat and positive material with reference to the natural world around us.

Email your contribution to littlegemsmagazine@gmail.com before July 25, 2024.